
L’Invention d’Elsa Fauconnet est une installation multimédia cosmogonique, mêlant vidéo, maquette et infographie avec virtuosité. En partant de l’étude du mouvement de la main, elle finit par convoquer Kepler, Allegri, les pilotes de la Patrouille de France, Pacioli et Pythagore. Et, jouant sa propre partition, elle nous convie à une réinvention du Monde et de ses principes par l’observation des formes qui l’animent. En entrelaçant poïétique et sérendipité, Elsa Fauconnet ne crée rien de moins qu’une fabrique du merveilleux.

Christian Berst, membre du Collège Critique du 60e Salon de Montrouge, 2015.

The Invention was dreamed up by a computer graphics artist who, when imitating the movement of the real using computer generated imagery, questioned the structures and codes that organise the world. So the movie is an invention that builds up and destroys a virtual world within five minutes. It puts in place and coordinates a structuring of the real, thus questioning its very substance.

The Invention presents a world under construction, in which a snowflake, from which Kepler elaborated the geometrical forms that construct the universe, comes together with a score for the Miserere kept secret by the Vatican, the actions of the pilots of the Patrouille de France rehearsing their airborne figures and the “harmony of the spheres” theory of pythagorean origins. These codes and figures, which are not of the same space-time, then start resonating together and become the support for the creation of a virtual world in which the oneiric feeds on the knowledge accumulated by Man.